Islamization of Europe (in exchange for low oil prices) in Strasbourg Resolution june 7 & 8,1975
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"regretting the relative neglect of the teaching of Arab culture and Arabic in Europe and looking forward to its development, hoping that European governments will help Arab countries to create the resources needed for the participation of immigrant workers and their families in Arab culture and religious life, asking the European press to show a sense of responsibility so that they may inform public opinion objectively and more fully about the problems of the Arab world"
"Calls on the governments of the Nine to approach the cultural aspect of the Euro-Arab dialogue in a constructive spirit and to give a higher priority to the popularisation of Arab culture in Europe."
"recognising the historic contribution of Arab culture to European development"
"regretting that cultural relations between European and Arab countries are still infrequent and limited in scope,"
What came before in Europe:
World War II was over. The decades that followed saw an unprecedented economic growth, because both the world population and the growth in wealth grew explosively. Prosperity doubled between 1950 and 1973. Coal soon became unsuitable as an energy source due to this increase (the Walloons knew it at the time), oil and natural gas became the only energy carriers that could support the higher level of prosperity. Plastics and plastics became common in those years, these are also mainly made from petroleum. In addition, the increasing consumption of petrol, diesel and kerosene, in short, the importance of petroleum had taken a central position in the mid-1960s as a driving force for our prosperity.
Meanwhile, decolonization was in full swing, England and France had lost their oil-rich areas in North Africa and the Middle East. The oil market in the US doubled between 1950 and 1970, in Europe it increased ninefold. All Western countries realized that imports from the Middle East were the only option.
The oil-producing countries there had meanwhile realized that the former power of the big oil companies could easily be broken with their concessions, that complete dependence on the West meant that the oil-producing countries could determine the price and production themselves.
The 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict (Six Day War) and the 1973 Yom Kippur War were the turning points. Traditionally, the Western countries supported Israel, including the US and the Netherlands sent fighters. In 1973 the Arabs used oil as a weapon and caused the first oil crisis.
The Arab countries then increased the oil price by 70% and reduced oil production by 5% each month. Not a drop of oil was exported to countries that actively supported Israel, so that was the US and a lot of Western European countries. The boycott lasted about a year.
This was the end of the "golden years" as the older generations invariably describe the prosperity growth of the 1960s. The car-free Sundays and daylight saving time were introduced, after the initial shock oil was obtained through loopholes, but it soon became apparent that the US is much better equipped against an oil crisis than Western Europe.
In the aftermath of that first major oil crisis, when the Arabs showed us that they determine the viability of our prosperity, we have to situate the drafting of the Strasbourg resolution. "If our prosperity, our modern society is dear to us, we'd better dance to their tune", that's what it comes down to."
Source is in Dutch: https://forum.politics.be/showthread.php?t=229517